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The charming Maldives

The Maldives and its charming nature

The Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean. It is a group of small islands numbering 1190 islands, of which only 200 are inhabited, and traveling between these islands by dhow or boat, the name of its capital, Malé, was a British protectorate and became independent in 1965 AD, with a population of 309 thousand people, all Muslims, and its system of government is republican, and its president is appointed by the parliament, and the vote is for Muslims only, and its constitution stipulates that all its citizens must profess the religion of Islam. Its constitution stipulates that all its citizens must profess the religion of Islam, and therefore a person who wishes to be a citizen must be a Muslim, and it is forbidden for any non-Muslim to be a citizen, and its constitution also indicates that its republican principles are Islamic principles

As for the people of the Maldives, they are religious, love Islam and are keen on Islamic morals, and Islamic behaviors are clearly visible, as the hijab is widespread, residents respect the call to prayer, and attend mosques, and restaurants are closed during the month of Ramadan, and it is forbidden to openly break the fast in it. There is a supreme body to monitor the correct application of Islamic law in all courts

Maldives and its charming nature

Malé is the capital of Maldives and the largest city, the capital of the country and the main port It occupies a small area, but it is unique and attractive and resembles large cities because of its cleanliness, order and system, and there are many mosques and markets

Tourism in Maldives

Tourism in Egypt is the second source of national income after fishing, and tourism in that country is exemplary, as there is no vulgarity or compromise of Islamic principles. It is forbidden to serve alcohol to tourists, and the tourist is obliged to respect the laws of the Islamic country, there is no nudity or violation of public morals. They have allocated eighty-four isolated islands for tourists only, and the tourist is not allowed to go to the islands inhabited by Muslims unless he abides by Islamic etiquette, and neither he nor others are allowed to show iftar during the day of Ramadan.


Islam and the Maldives

We come to the story of the entry of Islam into those countries, a story that is closer to legends … It was documented by the traveler Ibn Battuta in his book (Tahfat al-Nazar in the Wonders of the Ancient Worlds and Strange Monuments) … The story is inscribed on a mural next to the Great Mosque in Malé. Islam entered these islands at the beginning of the fifth century AH (in 1153 AD) when a young Muslim student of the Holy Quran from the Maghreb named Abu al-Barakat Yusuf al-Berberi arrived on its shores. It is said that the ship in which he was sailing was wrecked off the shores of one of these islands, and the waves threw him to the shore, where he was treated and taken care of by a fisherman with his family, and hosted him in his home, where he learned the language of the inhabitants. One day, that young man saw the fisherman and his wife crying bitterly, and learned from them that the lot had fallen on their young daughter to offer her as a sacrifice to the island’s monster, as the villagers used to offer the monster a girl every month, put her at night at the edge of the forest, and the monster would come and take her, and after that he would not harm the villagers for the whole month, that young man decided to go instead of that girl to the forest, and told the fisherman and his family that he would be fine, God willing. He began to recite Surah Yasin and the verses of the Holy Quran throughout the night, and he could feel the monster approaching him, and if he heard the verses, he would move away. Until the sun rose, and the young man repeated it three nights, and the monster went away and did not return on the fourth night, and the villagers got rid of it when the sultan, whose name was Maha Kalamanga, heard about this young man, summoned him and asked him about the truth of the matter, so he read the Holy Quran to him, told him about Islam, and invited him to it … The king converted to Islam, changed his name to Muhammad bin Abdullah, and all the people of the country became Muslims.

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